• We strongly advise prospective new clients to book their Powder Ombre appointments at least 1 week in advance of Vacations, Weddings, and Special Occasions. This allows adequate time for healing after your initial appointment.

    *There are no implied or written guarantees if you do not follow the above pre and post care instructions*

    Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

    Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.

    If you have dry skin using Aquaphor on your brow area once a day 1 week before your service is recommended for optimal results

    Do not tan or have a sunburned face at your appointment. Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to the procedure.

    If you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment may not last as long and may also lead to poor pigment retention.

    If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure.

    Do not work out 24 hours before the procedure.

    No brow waxing, tinting, or threading 1 week prior (the more natural hair growth you have, the better!

    Do not resume any method of hair removal for at least 2 weeks.

    Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hours before the procedure.

    N0 alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before the procedure (Yes, there is caffeine in decaf coffee and tea.

    Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure).

    Refrain from using Retin A or Retinol in 2 weeks prior to the appointment

    Botox and filler on the forehead, temple, and eye area should be avoided 1 month prior to procedure.

    Avoid Chemical Peels, Micro-dermabrasion or Facials for 4-weeks prior to procedure

  • Pregnant or Nursing

    Viral infections and/or diseases

    Epilepsy, those suffering with current vertigo

    A Pacemaker or major heart or kidney problems not controlled by medication

    Tendency towards keloid on the brow area

    Skin irritations , Seborrheic dermatitis or Psoriasis on the brow area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

    under the weather (cold, flu, etc.)

    Used Accutane in the past year.

    Used Retin A or Retinol in the past week

  • Avoid washing the treated area for the first 24 hours.

    After the first day, wash your brows with a mild fragrance-free cleanser (such as Cetaphil) and water.-- and pat dry. Hands must be freshly clean . Avoid use of abrasive washcloths or sponges on pigmented areas.

    Apply Aquaphor with freshly washed hands and a clean Q-Tip or a tissue if brows are itchy. If your are mature or have dry skin apply

    Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 1 week after your procedure. Direct sunlight can cause the pigment to change color while it is healing and can also cause hyperpigmentation and scarring.

    Avoid pools, saunas, steam rooms, hot showers and/or hot baths for 1 week.

    Avoid sweating for a full 3 days. Any physical effort, gym, hot weather, any other activity that may cause sweating through or on the brows will expel pigment from the dermis producing poor results.

    Avoid sleeping on your face/brows for the first 5 days.

    Avoid sun for 5 days following the procedure and chlorine pools, saunas, steam rooms and jacuzzis.

    Avoid makeup on pigmented areas for 5 days.

    Avoid Retin A, Glycolic Acids, products for the first 2 weeks after your appointment. Avoid ANY exfoliation products or medications until after your final touch up.

    Avoid tinting of brows for 2 weeks following the procedure.

    DO NOT

    DO NOT PICK or scratch... picking/ scratching can cause scarring and loss of pigment. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off.

    No Gardening for the first 3 days to prevent possible infection.

    Do not Use Neosporin on your tattoo.

  • The procedure may have some peeling on or around the 3rd to 5th day. This is a NORMAL process of healing for some clients. DO NOT PICK or scratch... picking/ scratching can cause scarring and loss of pigment. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off.

    When the brows exfoliate the color underneath is often very light. THIS IS A NORMAL part of the healing process. The color will become darker but still soft in about a month from the initial procedure. Any light areas will be touched up at your next appointment.

    During weeks 4-8 when the skin completes healing, you will see the pigment become more visible. Brows are not considered healed until 4 weeks after the initial service and after all crusting has exfoliated off. A touch up session will be scheduled approximately 8 weeks after your initial appointment in order to achieve the desired color and the shape. The application of permanent cosmetics can be a 2-step procedure. Do not judge your procedure while in the HEALING stage.

    Don’t be alarmed if color comes off onto the Q-Tip when applying topical ointment. This is normal.

    If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI, or other medical procedures inform them that you have had an iron oxide cosmetic tattoo.

    Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

    You must wait 1 year after any tattoo to give blood.

    Lasers can cause pigment to turn black. Avoid the tattooed area.

    If any signs of infection occur, abnormal swelling, redness or pain associated with the procedure, call your physician (and please give us a call asap).

    After you have healed, use a good sunscreen daily to help prevent premature fading.

    Your hair will still grow as normal and you can remove it by traditional methods (waxing, threading etc.).

    Powder Ombre is a form of cosmetic tattooing. The pigment will fade over time. Annual Touch-Ups are recommended to keep them looking perfect!. There is no guarantee in how long the results will last as each person has different skin and lifestyle. Frequency of touch-ups depends on a number of factors including: skin type, pigment selection, lifestyle (sun exposure), iron deficiency (your body absorbs iron-oxide as a supplement), chemical peels, etc.

    And last but not least enjoy your Tattoo!

  • Powder Ombre is a shading technique in which a darker more defined brow tail (or the end of the brow) with a softer lighter bulb (0r beginning of the brow) this is the Ombre effect. The tattoo machine implants color pigment in the epidermis of the skin.

  • Anyone who wants to wake up with beautiful brows!. Moms, business women, those with imperfections in their natural brow etc.

  • The discomfort is different for everyone and is due to each individual's level of sensitivity. A topical anesthetic is applied for numbing during the procedure and every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable throughout the procedure. Typically clients say that it is no more painful than tweezing or threading.

    ***Your tattoo prep- instructions are designed to reduce bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service.***

    * Having this service when on your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort.

    * If you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment may not last as long and may also may lead to poor pigment retention. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure.

  • Powder Ombre is a multiple step appointment process. Your brows will not be completed in one service. At least two appointments are needed initially, each appointment being 8 weeks apart. At the second complimentary touch-up session, we will assess the color retention and make adjustments as necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! We can always make adjustments at your next appointment.

  • Absolutely! Tattooing will not affect your natural hair growth,Your hair will still grow as normal and you can remove it by traditional methods (waxing, threading etc.).

  • Powder Ombre is a form of cosmetic tattooing. The pigment will fade over time.

    Annual Touch-Ups are recommended to keep them looking perfect!. There is no guarantee in how long the results will last as each person has different skin and lifestyle.

    Frequency of touch-ups depends on a number of factors including: skin type, pigment selection, lifestyle (sun exposure), iron deficiency (your body absorbs iron-oxide as a supplement), chemical peels, etc.

    Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your touch-up appointment and make any necessary changes.

  • It is normal to experience minimal tenderness immediately following your procedure. This usually subsides within an hour or two. The first few days following your procedure the pigment will appear much darker than how it will appear once it has peeled and healed. Around 6 days, the skin naturally exfoliates and sheds. During weeks 4-8 when the skin completes healing, you will see the pigment become more visible. A touch up session will be scheduled approximately 8 weeks after your initial appointment in order to achieve the desired color and the shape.

  • You must be 18 years or older.

  • IMPORTANT- Due to possible complications to the COVID-19 Vaccines, you must not have any permanent makeup procedures 14 days before or 14 days after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine..All appointments require proof of the covid-19 vaccination or a negative covid-19 test within 48 hrs of your appointment.

    • If you’re Pregnant or Nursing

    • Viral infections and/or diseases

    • Epilepsy

    • A Pacemaker or major heart problems

    • Had an Organ transplant

    • Tendency towards keloid on the face

    • Seborrheic dermatitis on the face 

    • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the brow area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

    • Sick (cold, flu, etc.)

    • Used Accutane in the past year

    • Had a chemical peel, Had Botox close to the brow area or used  Retin A or Retinol in the past 4 weeks

  • • Before & After pictures will be taken. Your bone structure will be measured and the brow shape will be created based on this measurement.

    • Once you approve the shape  the tattoo process will begin.

    • Depending on your skin the tattoo process can take 1 to 2 hours.

    • You will need to lay still and remain relaxed. During the procedure, in order to give your tattoo artist the right position to tattoo your brows, you may need to turn your head to the right or left. Please do not have any obtrusive hair styles that do not allow your head to lay flat or are in your face.

    • Once the service is completed, we will schedule an eight- week touch


  • Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo, so a physical sunscreen should be used (once healed) to prolong your enhancement.

    The regeneration of skin cells: The longer the regeneration takes, the longer the pigment holds.

    The speed at which the skin absorbs the pigment: The slower the absorption, the longer the pigment will hold.

  • Some colors may fade quicker than others, e.g. a blonde pigment may fade quicker than a dark brunette pigment.

    Bleeding during the procedure: Any bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. Caffeine, alcohol, and certain medications act as blood-thinners and should be avoided 48 hours prior to your appointment.

    Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

    Avoid acne medications like Accutane for 8 months to a year prior to the procedure.

    Avoid Retin A and Retinol 3 months prior to the procedure.

    If you have High Blood Pressure or Diabetes you condition must be under control prior to the Procedure.

  • Your brows will appear darker and more intense than expected for the first 5-7 days. This will gradually lighten during the healing process. Redness and swelling is minimal.

  • Please review the Aftercare Instructions. It is highly beneficial to follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best possible results. DO NOT rub or pick the healing area as the color will peel off prematurely, and avoid extreme heat, sweating, and contaminated bodies of water (such as saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, pools, lakes, and places with hot humidity, etc.)

  • If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please refrain from doing so within 2 week of your appointment. If there are any stray hairs that fall outside of our final shape, we can remove them.

    If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 2 weeks after the procedure.

    We require our clients to avoid any blood thinning medication for a minimum of 48 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin and Ibuprofen.

    Do NOT drink any alcohol or caffeine 48 hours prior to your appointment.

    (Yes, decaf coffee has caffeine!)

    NO Botox for 2 months prior to Powder Ombre Brows and No Botox 4 weeks after Powder Ombre (We recommend that it's best to wait until after your touch up heels to get Botox, as an educated injector will take your new brows into consideration when choosing where to inject.).

    If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one year before considering this procedure.

    It is highly recommended that you avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure. If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.

  • The color will lighten over time. We recommend an annual touch up to keep brows looking their best. Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, iron deficiency, and if any chemical peels were done after your procedure.

    If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had an iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo. Careful application must be taken to avoid affecting the tattooed area.

    If you are planning to have laser treatments, tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area. Lasers may cause pigment to turn black.